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Naomi & Neil's Ballyliffin Lodge Wedding

After a few wet days for my previous weddings Mother Nature finally looked kindly on us to provide the perfect conditions for Naomi & Neil's Ballyliffin Lodge wedding. The Lafferty's only live a stone throw from me so it was a quick drive into meet up with Naomi and the girls at her parent's John & Donna's house. While I was with the girls I had Michael Love Photography from Derry down capturing the craic with Neil and the boys as they got ready for the big day ahead. Once the girls were ready and Naomi was in her stunning dress from Pearls and Lace it was off to St Baithin's Church St Johnston where they were married by Fr Anthony Briody and backed by beautiful music from Patricia Maguire and Brian Kerrigan. After the ceremony the couple had use of the stunning grounds of Dunmore Gardens for their wedding pictures and like any other time I've shot there it never fails to take your breath away. After the photos were taken we stopped at Carmans Inn for a quick drink and then on to the Ballyliffin Lodge were Madeline and the team were ready to put on the finest evening of celebration to mark the newlyweds big day.

Suppliers on the day

Venue : Ballyliffin Lodge Hotel

Cars : Ballyliffin, & First Choice Limos

Suits : Evolve Letterkenny

Rings : Neal Doherty Carndonagh

Hair & Makeup : Shannon Dolan hairdressers

Flowers & Decor : Emer Houston

Cake : Edel Porter

DJ & Band : The Professionals Belfast

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